Friday, October 28, 2016

A Mother in a Father's Clothes

This is a re-post from my old blog.

Much as I like to post something 'new', the absence of my husband, as he is working abroad right now, does not make it possible.

If i will be asked to describe my husband as FATHER to my children, well.. THE BEST would be an understatement...

I know there are a lot of good fathers out there, they are good providers, they play with their kids, they teach homework, they take their kids to basketball games.. typical. But my husband is a MOTHER in a father's clothes.

My husband starts to be a hands-on father the moment I give birth to my children. He is the one who gives them their baby baths, cleans their little ears with cotton buds, lets them burp after they are breastfed, changes their diapers when they 'wiwi' and wipe their butts when they 'pupu'.

He changes their clothes, from tie-sides to onesies, he applies lotion to their little bodies, he puts cold compress after each vaccination time, he administers medicine every four hours and gives them tepid sponge bath when they run with fever.

He cut Daryl's hair regularly. He ties Mika's hair, and even pick a louse or two when he gets across them in the process. He trims their fingernails, mine as well.. He does all of these when he gets home from work installing and cleaning heavy air conditioning equipment..

How does he know how to do these wonderful things? Well, he happens to be the 5th among 14 siblings, and he had the 'pleasure' of taking caring of the remaining 9. PRACTICE makes perfect, so they say, hehe..

Happy FATHER'S DAY, Neng (Ronel)! You don't know HOW MUCH you are LOVED!

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