Friday, December 30, 2016

Song for Annie

Annie* is a smart girl from a poor family. Their mother died when they were young and being the eldest daughter, she assumed the responsibility of taking care of her younger siblings. She worked hard to send them to school. She was driven by ambition that she even applied as a cultural dancer in Japan when she was 18. Still underage at the time, she passed the screening but her application was declined. She was asked to stand by and come back when she turn 21.
When she turned 20, however, she met Benjie, the youngest son of a former engineering contractor. Benjie carried with him the sophistication and finesse of ‘the upper class.’ This got and lured Annie to the unfamiliar world of those that glitter which are not gold. It took her only a few months to realize that Benjie is just a useless and oversized action figure in the family. He never finished college. He never worked a single day in his life except when he joins his father’s construction and get paid for one day of sitting and fooling around with the workers. Still, Annie hoped and believed that Benjie will come to realize that a person needs to work in order to live. Benjie, however, didn’t show any sign of changing for the better. He’s just so used to the comfortable life of a ‘spoiled brat’ and he has no plans of changing any of that.
When Annie gave birth to their first born, she decided to leave Benjie. She thought it better to live as a single parent and raise her child alone than to feed an enormous couch potato who doesn’t even wash the glass he drinks on. She went back to her family. But after a few months, Benjie came over and insisted his right to be with his son, a fact that even Annie couldn’t contest. So, he stayed, but not for long. Annie’s father, realizing the kind of person her daughter lives with, sent him out of his house, but Benjie wouldn’t leave without his family. Annie and their child had to go with him. Refusing to live with Benjie’s family, Annie was forced to rent a house.
That was about 10 years ago. If there’s anything that changed about Benjie, it’s that he got olderhe’s stouter for too much sitting around and lazier than he used to be. And Annie? Working harder than ever. When I asked her why she couldn’t leave Benjie, she said she didn’t want her, now 3, children to live without a father. And when I asked why they aren’t married yet, she said Benjie never asked her..
So, is that love? :(
*Not real name

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