Thursday, March 30, 2017

Teacher, Teacher.. I Am Sick

Trina* is four years old. She is a smart little girl with bright eyes. She was enrolled in our Reading Program and she was doing very well.
Sometime during the rainy days, when the Philippines was being attacked by typhoons, Trina came to the center covered in thick jacket. The usual twinkle in her eyes was gone. But when we started the lesson, she did quite well. Still, I felt something was wrong. So, I asked her how she was feeling and she said she wasn’t feeling well.
So, I asked our receptionist to please call Trina’s mom and tell her the girl wasn’t in good shape. Mommy came and asked me if Trina wouldn’t want to work. I said Trina wanted to work, in fact, she was doing great, but I felt that the girl wasn’t feeling well.
Then I heard Trina sobbed and cried and said..
"Mommy, I want to to go home..”
So, Trina was really sick after all, but mommy was forcing her to go to the center to study. The girl was running a fever, still, mommy took her to the center despite the storm and all.
I MUST have the last say at the matter and I said the girl MUST be sent home, and she was.
Our children are humans, sometimes they are sick, sometimes they aren’t.. and they need rest when they are.

*not real name

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