Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Egg-Roll Man

About 8 years ago, I was a STAY-AT-HOME mom to my 3 kids: a grade school, a pre-school and a toddler. Being in charge with all the house works and the children, I didn’t have any single time for myself. I felt like a fat, lousy, worthless bag of flesh.
Then one day, as I was about to pick up my middle child from school, I heard a loud voice yelling “LUMPIA! (Egg roll)”. It was the man selling eggroll in our subdivision. He was a tall, dark, lean young man who smiles at everyone he came across with. I suddenly felt the urge to buy some eggroll. Honestly, it didn’t look good, hehe.. But I just wanted to talk with him.
But before I was able to say anything, he spoke, thus began our conversation. I found out that he was a high school graduate. He couldn’t find any job that could support his family. His wife was 6-months pregnant and was at home taking care of their 2-year old son. I asked him why he didn’t he apply for a regular job. He said a high school graduate like himself has a slim chance of getting a job unless under employment agency and he had bad experiences with employment agencies like not being paid on time, not being given over time pay, not being given SSS remittances, among others. So, he just decided to sell eggroll.
When I asked him if it’s not difficult. He said everything is difficult and selling eggroll is better than not doing anything at all. He also expressed his regret for being not able to finish his studies and said that he would do everything he could so that his children will have a better life than what he had.
More than entertained, I was enlightened. If Eggroll Man with such very little in life had so much hope, how come I felt this way?
That day, something has changed. I started to see beauty in everything. Moreover, I became more hopeful that I had ever been.. Thanks to the Eggroll Man..

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