Tuesday, February 14, 2017

LEE VIRAY CAHILI: Photographer Extraordinaire

Sometime during the mid to late 90s, I met and befriended one remarkable boy. Good looking yet sheepish, talented yet laconic. There is just no way I could possibly describe the simple complexity ofLee Viray Cahili. The least I can do is try.. PRIVATE.. RESERVED... PASSIONATE.

"Don't Peep"
Awarded as the Grand Winner of the Photoworld Cup by the  Federation of Philippine Photographers Foundation during the Photoworld Asia convention, Lee is a true master in his craft. His voiceless masterpieces uncovered all the secrets of his heart. His love for nature, love for his country and the burning desire to make a change and make the world a better place not for himself but for the next generation.
Picture Perfect

Featured in September 2008 issue of the Manila Bulletin Picture Perfect as the Photographer of the Week, Lee described "Effective photographs are those that communicate, those that make viewers drawn to them..." No wonder the impact of his creations penetrates the heart and speaks to the soul with a message so subtle only the most discerning minds could fathom..
"Willed 2008"

Equality, unconditional love, freedom from cultural bondage, respect for privacy and individuality, beauty of youth, beauty of nature are only few of the unwritten messages Lee managed to get across but only to those sensitive enough to perceive the power of his works. His photographs are meant not only to be seen by the eyes but to be felt by the heart..

Lee Viray Cahili
For his students he is 'Master,' for his colleagues he is one accomplished photographer, but for me he is just.. Lee, my friend, Mon pluie..  Because behind the fame, behind the grandeur, behind all the awards... is the 'curious sheepish and charming boy' that is Lee, the boy I used to talk with for hours under the ebak* trees in FEU and whom I will always call.. my friend.
Lee Viray Cahili
Good luck, Lee.. honored to be a friend to you..
(*Much as I tried, I was not able to find out the name of the stinking trees that ornament the FEU campus. I called it 'ebak' tree here not to  mock but because that is what I heard it was called.. )

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