Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Pushy Mom

Arianne* is 4 years old. She just graduated from the Junior Nursery Class and I heard she was the first honor.About two weeks ago, she was brought to the center for assessment so I gave mine and recommeded the program befitting her skills.
Her mom enrolled her right then and there and specifically asked for me as she already heard about me from other parents. I was, somehow, flattered.
Arianne's first day went fine. I was encouraged. But when she came the next day, I was surprised. We normally recommend tutorial reading programs for children below 6 years old to be held 3x a week only, that is every other day. She didn't perform very well that time. It seems as if she forgot everything we read the day before.
I talked to the mother after the session and told her what happened. That's how I learned that Arianne was enrolled in a reading program as preparation for assessment for Kinder 2, which is a level higher than her supposed level, Kinder 1. I was told that she would be accepted in Kinder 2 if she can read. That's when I felt the pressure, for me and for the child. She said, she wanted Arianne in Kinder 2 because the girl's classmates made it in Kinder 2. So... It's a matter of 'my child is better than your child' issue.. I was dismayed.
I gave it another session. Arianne was not getting any better. I talked to her mother to tell her that even if I make her read as a result of the program, I can't guarantee that the girl 'will read' on the assessment day.
The following day, the nanny was the one who brought Arianne to the center. The nanny looked at the girl with compassion. She told me that Arianne felt so tired that the girl even asked her when she is going to rest. I learned that Arianne started to go to school when she was 2 years old and that besides her tutorial with me, she also has a private tutor at home in the afternoon. The girl is simply tired...
I took Arianne in with the intention of talking to her mom at the soonest possible time. I would do what I can for Arianne but I wouldn't push the child to her limits.. After all, SHE IS JUST A CHILD..
*not real name

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