Thursday, February 2, 2017

Time To Let Go

Neri* has been to married to Hans* for more than 10 years. She loves Hans and she understands and accepts all of his shortcomings and imperfections. She served him as a good wife and did everything she could to make him happy. And she was happy. Unfortunately, she’s not the one to decide for Hans’s happiness. After more than a decade, Hans left.
Neri’s heart was broken.
How would you feel if someone you loved and cherished with all your heart simply left without any explanation as to why he did that?
But she waited, hoping that Hans would come back to her. And he did, after less than a year.
Neri was filled with happiness. But at the back of her mind lies an unexplainable fear that Hans might leave again someday soon. And he did. About 4 years after he came back, Hans left again. But this time, Neri believes it was for good.
How would you feel if someone left you.. for the second time. What would you think?
Isn’t it time to face the truth? She simply couldn’t make him happy because if she could, why else would he leave?
Neri is now left with the most difficult question..
How and where would she start..
“If you love someone, set him free. If he comes back, he is yours, if he doesn’t, he never has been…”
*not real name

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